A t y a b ' s P o r t f o l i o

Clients: Work Portfolio, volunteer work and freelancing projects.

Date : 2022 to Present

Note:  The detail of few projects is not shown due to signed NDA.

As we stand at the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, my fascination lies at the intersection of cybersecurity, Industry 4.0, and the transformation of traditional infrastructures into intelligent systems. Through the MITx course “11.S198x: Cybersecurity for Critical Urban Infrastructure”, I have honed my expertise in safeguarding complex systems against cyber threats, while ensuring the efficient and secure operation of our digital future.

Delving into a world augmented by IoT, Robotics, and AI, I am continually developing my skills in securing and optimizing these technologies. My proficiency is highlighted by the completion of a comprehensive training that involved building robust cybersecurity measures for a wide range of devices, including IoT devices, robotic systems, CNC machines, and 3D printers. This expertise directly complements my work, enhancing system security and resilience against cyber threats, while fostering innovation and operational efficiency.

In addition, my research interest lies in exploring the revolutionary potential of these digital technologies, particularly their application within the realm of smart factories and urban infrastructure. With a keen focus on AI-empowered automation, predictive analytics, real-time monitoring systems, and the cybersecurity aspects enveloping these elements, I am eager to delve deeper into the synergistic effects of these innovations, and their role in creating resilient, responsive, and sustainable urban systems.

As part of my commitment to advancing in this field, I co-authored and submitted a review paper titled, “A Correlation Among Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing, and Topology Optimization”. This work encapsulates the latest trends in Industry 4.0, including the implications of digital manufacturing technologies, and the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures in this emerging landscape.

As I continue, I am keen to deepen my research and studies in this exciting and critical field. I am passionate about exploring the intricate interplay of AI, IoT, robotics, and cybersecurity within the context of Industry 4.0. My ultimate aspiration is to make significant contributions to the discourse and practice of cybersecurity, particularly in the protection of our digital future against evolving cyber threats.

Key Skills: 

  • Risk Assessment
  • Critical Thinking
  • Research Skills:
  • Ethical Awareness